“S” is for Sons, Smiles, and Stories


So today is another day of the #BloggingAtoZ challenge for April 2016.  For me, “s” stands for sons, smiles, and stories.  First and foremost, it represents my three sons.  I love my boys.  They keep things exciting around our house.  One never knows what they are going to do next. They have a sense of adventure and great senses of humor.  They keep me on my toes.”

 “S” is also for smiles.  I am gong to let these pictures speak for themselves.

 Finally, “s” is for stories – oh the stories I have to tell thanks to my children.  Such as the time, my oldest, who stayed home sick from school, decided to go out the window so he could play with his friends.  Or the piggyback rides our daughter has conned the rest of out of giving her.  The nights spent tucking them in and praying over them are provide stories.  Or I could tell the story about my oldest getting the “Mile-long” Sentence Award in Kindergarten.  Or I could tell about the time, we took our children and three of their friends to North Carolina.  But I will just mention them here and save the actual detailed stories for another day.

So what comes to mind for you when you see the letter “s”?



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